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Press Releases

Press Release 10 : Aug 19, 2011

For information to DXers, the complete VU4PB Logs have just been uploaded to ARRL’s Logbook of the World (LOTW). These should be processed by the LoTW engine in the next few hours.

Press Release 9 : Jun 02, 2011

We have received many online requests for QSLs and our QSL Manager Joe W3HNK as always has been efficiently handling these as well as the direct requests for QSLs that he has been getting. Joe has reported that he has already completed most of the direct and OQRS requests. OQRS requests for QSLs via bureau will also be addressed shortly. We are thankful for the support of all our donors and by end of June we hope to be able to upload our log to ARRL LoTW for members of clubs who supported us as well as for individual donors. We will now initiate the collection of member lists from those clubs – lists can be sent to [email protected]. As mentioned before the expedition the rest of the LoTW uploads will definitely happen before March 2012.

Stay tuned

Press Release 7 : Mar 30 , 2011

With just a few hours left in the operation, two more operators have left as planned for the mainland this morning. This now leaves just six operators and we are working with three stations and the process of dismantling the stations starts tomorrow as the team returns to the mainland on the 2nd of April. As earlier reported we have had several instances of pirate operators masquerading as VU4PB which has spoilt the fun for numerous DXers, a real pity and one is not sure what joy it brings to those “radio amateurs” who indulge in such activities. The team will go QRT at 1829z on 31st March 2011

Stay tuned and do lookout for us

Press Release 6 : Mar 20 , 2011

VU4PB was hit by a noticeable pirate operation on 40m CW between 1527z to 1817z on 16th March 2011. This was at a time when our 40m CW station had gone off air at 1527z. All DXers please note that QSOs with VU4PB made during the above period was by a Slim Op. We understand the pain this news will cause and hope you can make QSOs on 40m with the real VU4PB soon. We would also like to say that three of our key operators have been unable to join us at VU4PB as planned due to health and family issues and we have been working hard to fill the gaps with the operators that we have.

Stay tuned and do lookout for us

Press Release 5 : Mar 18 , 2011

VU4PB has now been operational for 3 days. The unusually bad weather has been challenging. Having to frequently check if your antennas have not been blown away by the storm force winds tends to slow things down!. Band conditions have not been ideal either with a lot of QRN. However this morning the weather seems much better so the pending low band antennas will be put up. Listen for us on 80M and 160M tonight. The Online Logs have been posted on the site for the period upto 17 Mar 0800Z. We request operators who have confirmed QSO’s in the log to not try again on the same band so as to allow others to have a shot. A few members of the initial team leave today and we await additional operators on the 21st.

Stay tuned and do lookout for us

Press Release 4 : Mar 15 , 2011

VU4PB is now operational but due to very bad weather with high winds and rain only two stations were installed and ran on both 20 and 40m. We hope to get a third station operational by the end of the day today and the fourth later during this week. Low band antennas will be up and running later in the week. Murphy is keeping us good company along with the daily storms. Please note that our Operating Frequencies have been updated to avoid interference to the JA Emergency Nets which have been notified and our Propagation Page has also been updated. The online logs will be available by 17th March.

Stay tuned and do lookout for us

Press Release 3 : Mar 11 , 2011

Eleven operators, from diverse parts of India, all getting together for the excitement of a DXpedition, are all set to fly out on Saturday the 12th March 2011,arriving in Port Blair around noon. The others join us in a couple of days as they are also coming from different parts of India. Much of the equipment was already sent by sea freight and has been received at Port Blair and waiting for unpacking and deployment to the three sites. Some items missed the last sailing and have gone out via air freight. It will be a busy three days before the stations go on the air.

Stay tuned and do lookout for us

Press Release 2 : Feb 24 , 2011

Arrangements are progressing well for the expedition. The first set of heavy equipment including antennas, power supplies, coax etc will be sailing out on Saturday the 26th February from Chennai port and reach Port Blair in three or four days time. The rest of the equipment will be taken by the operators themselves from the 12th March onwards. Our webpage has been updated with information, sponsorship links etc. Any donation via Pay Pal will automatically be listed on the webpage. The list of operators, equipment are all now available on the VU4PB page Stay tuned for more information


Press Release 1: Feb 16, 2011

ARSI to take a DXpedition to the Andaman Islands- VU4PB – March 15th to 31st 2011
ARSI, who had taken a very successful expedition to Lakshadweep in December 2006, are all set to go to Port Blair in the Andaman’s in the second half of March 2011. All permissions are in hand for a group of 17 operators to be active between the 15th and 31st March, with the call sign VU4PB Four stations are planned, operating on all bands and modes, from three locations – The Sinclair Bay View Hotel, The Megapode Nest and the Megapode Camping Resort. The first batch of eleven operators will fly out on the 12th March and be followed by the rest over the next few days The heavy equipment will go by sea in the last week of February.

Stay tuned for more news at this link

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