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VU7LD Press Release 1



The Amateur Radio Society of India (ARSI) is the officially recognized society representing the interests of Indian Amateurs for several decades..

It is the society that officially represents the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) in India, coming within Region 3, and VU2GMN the current ARSI President is also a Director of IARU Region 3.

ARSI has been working on taking a serious group of Indian amateurs to work from the “second most wanted entity” Lakshadweep, for some years now and the latest application was made in February 2006. The WPC, after getting all required permissions from the various authorities like the Indian Navy, the Island Administration, the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Ministry of Defence, gave formal permission to ARSI to go to Lakshadweep during the whole of December 2006.

Many of the Operators in this event are experienced in IOTA Activations & VU4 DXpedition cum Tsunami Emergency Communication. Veterans from last VU7 DXpedition are also part of this event and are extending their whole hearted support and they will share their  expertise and experience with their fellow Hams.

The plans for this expedition is well under way and we are assembling together around 25 Indian radio operators who have a proven record of operating in “pile up” conditions on all modes so that the very poor propagation conditions is utilized to the maximum.

The main operation will be on Kavaratti Island, which is the headquarters of the Lakshadweep Administration. Locations have been identified and arrangements are in place for the Stations as well as accommodation for the Team members and we have been assured of all help from the Administration, who are very excited at this new experience for them and also the fact that we will also be training a number of the local population in radio basics with a view to make them into qualified amateurs in due time.

Initial plans are for 8 stations to be QRV so that all open bands are worked on all modes. We plan to be QRV on the low and WARC bands also. The ARSI group will be QRV for the whole month of December on SSB, CW and Digital to give ample opportunity for the DX community to get a contact.

Advance arrangements are already in place for the preparation of this event and the Stations will be setup and be ready for operation sufficiently well in advance of the starting date.

We certainly will look forward to contributions as we are a private group without any Governmental support.

For all USA Contributions may be kindly sent to:

Bank Account Name Bharat C. Bhushan
Bank Account No: 4353045489
Bank Name Comerica Bank
Bank Branch Stadium Blvd. – Pauline office # 433, 1969 W. Stadium
Ann Arbor, MI 48103, USA
Receiving bank Comerica Bank, Detroit, Michigan, USA, ABA No. 072000096.

Mr. Bharat C Bhushan
2815 Sequoia Parkway
Ann Arbor,
MI  48103 USA
E-mail: [email protected]

Bharat has kindly agreed to receive, consolidate and forward all contributions periodically to India to minimize bank transfer charges. His bank details will be given shortly so that Xoom transfers can also me made there.

Alternately you could use Xoom ( to send your contributions to our account (Bank Deposit):

State Bank of India
Main Branch Bangalore
Our A/c No. SB 01100005988
Branch Code 0813

ARSI undertakes full audited accountability of all funds received and any funds left over after the event will strictly be used for the promotion and development of amateur radio in India.

Donations / Loaners of equipment will also be very welcome and we will advise the modalities of sending it to us.

All donors and equipment loaners will get adequate publicity on our webpage and also on QSL cards and other paperwork, banners at operating stations /television footage etc

QSL Information is being finalised and we will update on the webpage soon

A special e-mail address has been opened for the VU7 information exchange and it is [email protected]

Our webpage is

We are all looking forward to a great opportunity!

73, de Gopal VU2GMN