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VU7LD Kavaratti Island, Lakshadweep, Dec 2006



Amateur Radio Society of India (ARSI) took a group of Indian amateurs to work the (then) second most wanted entity Lakshadweep, in December 2006.

It was a very a successful DXpedition with 23 operators working from four locations over a period of four weeks in batches. The group was supported by the HAM community worldwide and all donations are listed here – photographs are on this site also.

Amateur Radio Society of India (ARSI) has been working on taking a serious group of Indian amateurs to work from the “second most wanted entity” Lakshadweep, for some years now and the latest application was made in February 2006. The WPC, after getting all required permissions from the various authorities like the Indian Navy, the Island Administration, the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Ministry of Defence, gave formal permission to Amateur Radio Society of India (ARSI) to go to Lakshadweep during the whole of December 2006.

Many of the Operators in this event were experienced in IOTA Activation & VU4 DXpedition and Tsunami Emergency Communication. Veterans from the previsous VU7 DXpedition were also part of this event and were extending their wholehearted support and shared their expertise and experience with their fellow Hams.