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VU7LD Press Release 3



All heavy equipment for shipment has been packed and sent to Mangalore from where a small mechanized dhow (Called Manju locally) will take it all to Kavaratti.

Ship tickets have been purchased and the first lot of operators should be in Kavaratti by the month end to set up and be QRV on 1st December 2006.

Four SteppIR antennae have been purchased by our members to use during the visit and then for their own use. These have all been dispatched from the USA and will be received in Bangalore next week for onward shipment to Kavaratti.

QSL card designs have been finalised and will be on the webpage soon.

Our webpage server statistics reports of more that 100,000 hits since September and over 50,000 during the first week of November indicating the huge interest in VU7LD.

An updated web design will also be introduced from tomorrow to improve readability.

Stay tuned!

de Gopal VU2GMN