IARU HQ Station selection
Objective: There are few nominated stations during yearly IARU HF contest. While all in VU are eligible to participate with their home calls, HQ calls will be assigned to select few ARSI members based on the guidelines below.
1. Contest manager will send out note on ARSI group in 45 days advance for calling HQ station nominations
2. Nominee should be active HF contester who has shown serious contesting scores in the previous years (at least last two)
3. Nominee should be conversant in computer logging
4. Nominee should be willing to commit contesting in IARU contest weekend for the period mentioned by Contest Manager (8 hrs at the maximum per contester based on the number nominations)
5. Nominee should be agreeing to the roster times and bands assigned by contest manager
6. Nominee should be agreeing to perform his/her best during the assigned contest slot to keep the team score higher
7. Nominee should have internet connection at home for synchronized logging, team communication
8. Nominee adheres to all the rules of the contest
9. In any situation of the station malfunction, keeping up with QSO rates or personal issues, nominee should be agreeing to handover the operation to any other station assigned by Contest Manager
10. Contest manager reserves right to select HQ stations based on above mentioned guideline rules and invite members appropriately.