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AT15ØITU is a special event station (SES) commemorating 150 years of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). This callsign has been granted to the Amateur Radio Society of India (ARSI) by the Wireless Planning & Coordination (WPC) wing of the Ministry of Telecommunications & IT, Govt. of India for use by all members of ARSI.




Various VU radio amateurs will be signing AT15ØITU on air from April through December 2015 on all the HF bands on various modes.


QSL: All QSOs will be automatically confirmed electronically via ARRL’s Logbook of The World (LoTW) and eQSL. A special QSL card will be printed later in the year (around July-August) and QSLs will be processed based on OQRS requests; snail mail via VU2CDP. VU stations must send a self-addressed stamped envelope.